Fight off the sniffles

As winter draws nearer the cold season is approaching, so unless your one of the lucky few to escape it, here’s a few tops tips on how to avoid those unwelcome colds and flu!

Keep Warm – Granny was right! Keeping yourself warm is key this autumn & winter. When we get cold, we shiver which depressed our immune system making us more likely to catch a cold.

Keep Moving – Regular activity will keep circulation going strong and increase the number of natural killer cells in our bodies to help fight of those unwanted colds!

Wash your hands – Yes its obvious, but important. As the weather gets colder we tend to spend more time indoors in closer quarters meaning more germs. Keep a hand sanitiser close by when your on the go & wash your hands regularly.

Sleep Deeply – Getting plenty of rest will improve your immune function helping your body to fight off any nasty bugs.

Top Tip > Try having an hour before bed without the TV/laptop/social media. Perhaps try reading or soaking in a nice hot bubble bath, research shows it can help you drop off easier.Β 




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